

The Refuge

Sleep: 8 mattress bedspaces, with woolen blankets.

Cook: Gas stove available, Primus/Optimus screw cartridges. No guarantee for stock! It is advisable to bring your own cartridges.  Cooking and kitchen equipment available

Water: only snowmelt

Phone: Quite good network for mobile phones in the vicinity

Toilet: No facilities, please keep enough distance from the refuge

Please report missing important items or things that are broken as soon as possible to the hut warden of the Weisshorn hut or to the responsible person in the SAC section

Responsible person in the SAC section

Markus Stähelin
Rebgasse 16
4102 Binningen
Tel. +41 (0)61 421 22 70 / +41 (0)77 528 23 62


Please reserve your stay online: www.alpenonline.ch

Prices in CHF


Overnight Stay

Cat A, SAC member*26
Cat B, SAC youngster*13
Cat C, other > 1838
Cat D, youngster < 1820

* and members of associations granting reciprocal rights 

Prices subject to change


Put cash (CHF) into money box
Use the paying-in slips available in the refuge
or make a bank transfer to
Account: 40-95-7
Postfinance Berne
IBAN: CH07 0900 0000 4000 0095 7 
Beneficiary: SAC Sektion Basel, Schalijochbiwak